2022 Christmas Special: Formula One Noel by Christina Braver

Just hear those sleigh bells jingling. . . in our theme song!

For the 2022 Racy Books Pod Holiday Special, we read: Formula One Noel by Christina Braver–thanks again to Christina for the advanced reader copy; this steamy, contemporary holiday romance is out now!

Fun reminder that Hanna has a book coming out in January–QUEEN OF DUST. Buzzfeed put it on a list of romance novels that “will knock your socks off.”

Things that came up this episode (in addition to our Hero Walker’s dick):

  • This is Hanna’s first Christmas romance! Do they all have a traditional solstice sex day? Kate would (and did) argue that Hanna made that up.

  • Seattle does not have the infrastructure for snow. The whole place shuts down.

  • Nora was giving Meredith Grey, but Walker was all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmivKyEY1Dk&t=3s

  • As we discovered, Dr. Thomas’s name was. . . Dr. Thomas.

  • The most important scene in cinema made an appearance in this book.

  • Questions were raised about Formula One driver contracts. We continue to have no answers. 

  • Don’t forget to check out the playlist for this book!

  • Have you seen this tweet about how women have had to normalize ~*~viOlEnCe~*~?

  • On the podium, Hanna asserted that Danny Ric is our hero! Here he is dressed like a real cowboy. (And click here for Charles pronouncing Ricciardo.)


Season 2, Episode 1: Revived by Samantha Towle


Episode 6: Special Guest Lily Herman